Tree Surrounds — Why Avoid Them And What To Do Instead

Posted on: 23 June 2021

A tree adds charm, texture, and structure to any landscape. But the tree itself can cause some logistical challenges when landscaping around it. Many people opt for tree surrounds — a tightly planted ring of color or greenery around the base of the tree — to make it more attractive. But should you use a tree surround? And if not, what alternatives may be better choices? Here's what you need to know.
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2 Reasons to Hire a Tree Service to Prune Your Trees

Posted on: 24 May 2021

If you have a lot of trees that you love but are overgrown and not looking their best, you want to do what you can to make sure that they are looking as good as possible. One way to do that is to work with a tree service and have them come prune your trees for you. There are several reasons why you should hire pruning services instead of trying to do it yourself.
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Scheduling Landscaping Stone Delivery for the Phases of Hardscaping Projects

Posted on: 16 April 2021

If you are planning hardscaping projects, you are probably going to need a lot of landscaping stones. The problem is that you may not have enough room for all the materials you need. Therefore, you are going to need to schedule the deliveries throughout the different phases of the project. The following landscaping stone information will help you schedule the delivery of materials for the different phases of your projects:
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3 Reasons To Schedule Lawn Maintenance As Spring Arrives

Posted on: 10 March 2021

Scheduling for lawn maintenance is an essential step of getting ready for warmer weather. With spring quickly arriving, you need to focus on what updates you can make to the landscaping. Rather than overspend and feel frustrated with how the lawn looks or how demanding it can be to get into shape on your own, you'll need to see what you can expect through having lawn maintenance done. Plan for New Flowers, Shrubs, and Trees
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